Uddibaba Agro Tourism Camp Rishikesh

Uddibaba Agro Tourism Camp Rishikesh

Uddibaba is surrounded by farmland that we are gradually utilising for food and Ayurvedic medicine productions.

Uddibaba Farm Stay is situated 15km away from Rishikesh city and 30km away from Dehradun Airport. A perfectly handcrafted place on the foothills of Himalayan mountains with lot of natural resources like natural water pool, a rock cave , nature trials and most importantly the fresh food from our local farm.

Guest has access to all the amenities available in our campsite like the natural water pool, little Adventure Cave, kitchen garden, bonfire place, Uddibaba cafe and meditation Rock.

Here you get, Mind refreshing clean Air of Himalayan mountains, Organic fresh food from our local farm, Away from human beings and their inventions, Mind refreshing morning in the foothills of Himalayas, Comfortable beds in the middle of nowhere, Natural water pool with doctor fishes which will relax your foot by giving you a gentle massage and a Bonfire under the stars and the moon who will catch you in your best mood

Book only if you’re a Mountain lover (800m walk from Road)

Address: Daur, Neer, Uttarakhand 249137

Phone: 082797 10118

Website: http://uddibaba.com/

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